- For a-la-carte pricing for Applied Capital Strategy, Financial Masterplan and Merger & Acquisition, full payment is to be made within 3 working days from the date of registration unless otherwise proposed.
- For cash payment of SME Accelerator Programme (SAP) Full and SME Accelerator Programme (SAP) Lite to be made in full upon registration, a cash discount will apply.
- For loan payment of SME Accelerator Programme (SAP) Full and SME Accelerator Programme (SAP) upon registration, the client is required to make a down payment of a stipulated amount upon registration. Payment Policy: Commencement of Work upon Full Payment"
- A 10% administrative charge will be imposed for payment made after a grace period of 3 working days from the agreed date of payment.
- All payments should be made payable to PIF Capital (S) Pte Ltd.
- Deposits paid are non-refundable upon withdrawal/termination of your registration.
- Partners’ memberships are valid for 1 year. Renewal fees are applicable.
- Partners’ memberships are non-transferable.
- All unutilized aspects of partners’ membership, after one year, will be waived and as such will not be entertained or transferred into cash.
- Any unutilized aspect(s) of partners’ membership that is/are complimentary, will be deemed to have lapsed after one year and are non-replaceable.
- Partners’ members can choose a date for attending the selected event (s) at the time of registration. Any changes in attendance must be made through written notice of at least 10 working days and subject to PIF Capital’s approval.
- PIF Capital reserves the right to change the date or venue of its event(s) through written notice to its partners at least 7 working days prior to the event.
- PIF Capital bears no liability for any loss or damages incurred because of cancellations/postponements of events for any reason.
- The partners’ members agree to indemnify PIF Capital and not hold PIF Capital, or its agents responsible for all actions as outcomes of its event(s).
- The partners’ members agree to not circumvent and work with business associates, clients and other third parties introduced by PIF Capital. It is understood that PIF Capital retains ownership of all referrals made to the partners' member, such a referral and that the partners' member cannot deal directly with such referred company/individual(s) without the written consent of PIF Capital. In the event, if the partners' member conclude any transaction with the parties introduce by PIF, PIF will be entitled fee equivalent to 5% of the transacted amount.
- The partners’ members agree to receive PIF Capital’s latest updates and marketing information via telephone calls, SMSs, and other forms of social media, electronic or otherwise.
- PIF Capital reserves the right to change the terms and conditions whenever reasonable, necessary, or appropriate to enforce and/or verify compliance with any part of this Agreement.
- PIF Capital reserves the right to change the event speaker without prior notice expected insofar as to ensure that the replacement speaker is qualified and capable of delivering the said event(s).
- The personal data and particulars of partners’ members, as released to PIF Capital voluntarily shall be deemed to have been given and provided with the consent of partners’ members, for membership and marketing-related purposes. PIF will safely keep, update, and record (and use when necessary) in the ordinary course of business reasons and for legitimate purposes.
- Fundraising and Merger & Acquisition Success Fees:
> Below $5m - 8%
> $5m to $10m - 6%
> Above $10m - 4%